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۲ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Syria» ثبت شده است


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

دوباره war on terror

واقعا در این دنیا نباید صدای کسی در بیاد و بگه نامردها آخه شما که بمب هسته ای انداختید رو سر مردم هیروشیما.... شما که وقتی رو سر مردم غزه بمب فسفری میریخت صداتون در نمیومد.... شما که خودتان سلاح شیمیایی به صدام میدادید که بریزه سر مردم مظلوم ما...و الانم سلاح شیمیایی می دید دست تروریست ها که بریزن سر مردم سوریه و بعد بگن کی بود کی بود من نبودم!!! اصلا در جایگاهی هستید که به کسی در مورد استفاده از سلاح شیمیایی و حتی هسته ای اعتراض کنید؟؟ تازه وقتی این قصه بافی ها رو می کنید حال آدم بیشتر به هم می خوره! بشار از سلاح شیمیایی استفاده کرده... تازه وقت بررسی هم دیگه گذشته...!! شما همه مردم دنیا رو بچه فرض کردید؟؟ آخ حیف که اکثر سران دنیا رو افسار زدید و فقط عده کمی جرأت مخالفت با قصه های شما رو دارند...ولی برای خودتون میگم کمی برنامه ریزی شده تر دروغ بگید....خیلی مسخره و تکراری شده این داستان war on terror شما...بابا به خدا دنیا بزرگتری شما رو نمی خواد...کی به شما این حق رو داد آخه؟؟ تا شما شیاطین بزرگ هستید دنیا آرامش پیدا نمی کنه... خوبه تا الان هر چی سلاح پیدا شد اونجا ساخت اسرائیل و شما بود...حالا خودتون سلاح شیمیایی استفاده می کنید و بهانه درست می کنید برای دخالتتون؟؟ دوباره جنگ بر اساس یک دروغ تروریستی ؟ دوباره war on terror؟


 USA and Israel are turning on fire in Syria , do they really think that we are stupid? do they think that no one will understand their role in this story?they gave the chemical weapons to terrorists and now they are accusing Syrian government of useing chemical weapons,i think this story is old and we have seen it before,war on terror is what USA government are expert in it.. they start with a big lie and then they continue with Interference and sometimes war .world will never forget the Vietnam war and Gaza war and lots of other wars that USA and Israel used nuclear and chemical weapons on them.They cant act like they are worried about Syrian people, they are the cause of  this insecure situation and they want an insecure Syria and middle East they are big liars

  • هدی منتظر

 In the name of Allah

?Why do they kill us

Salafists are not human; they are only wild animals who want to destroy the name of Islam with their repellent behavior. They are pretending that they are true Muslims and also the real Islam is what they are showing to the world and with this evil plan, they are showing a terrible and scary picture of Islam to the world. But this is not Islam, they are not Muslims, they are not even humans, what kind of human can kill other people so easily? They are killing children, women and men in Arabic countries just because they are Shia

Why? Why is this happening to Shia? This is happening to Shia because we are telling the truth, we are showing the real faces of Salafism and Zionism, and they can’t tolerate their own faces and they can’t stand the fact that other people, all around the world are getting awake. That’s why they kill us and that’s why they say we are terrorists. They kill people in many countries and they put the blame on Shia and Islam just because they are afraid of us, because they know we know them, they know we show their real faces to the world

Why? Why do they do this to people? Why is the USA army in Afghanistan? Why are they in many countries? Why are these terrible things happening to Syrian, Egyptians, Pakestanian and Iraqi people? Why did the USA government and Zionists create the Salafism , Wahhabism and Alqaedeh? What was Sheikh Hassan Shehata’s guilt? Why did they murder him? Is this the human right that they are talking about? Is this the freedom they where suppose to bring for Iraqis? Why can’t they do their own businesses and leave the other countries alone? These are the questions we should ask ourselves

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