In the name of Allah
In the name of Allah
In the name of Allah
‘The best of actions is awaiting Al-Faraj
The belief in the Mahdi is not only an essential doctrine deep-rooted in Islamic faith but rather it is an embodiment of human nature regardless of one’s religious affiliations. For it is the universal desire of humans as a whole to try to achieve or at least witness the realization of the ultimate objective of their existence, through which they will achieve perfection and social happiness in their entirety. Therefore by reason of inner necessity and inspiration, humans will see a day when society will be replete with justice
In the name of Allah
Massacre during the Eid in Baghdad
- At least 80 people have died, and many more wounded, as a wave of car bombings hit the Iraqi capital on Saturday, marking the end of a Ramadan marred by bloodshed
Car bombs targeting cafes and markets in Baghdad were among a series of attacks that killed 41 people Saturday as Iraqis marked
the end of their bloodiest Ramadan in years
The blasts were the latest in spiralling violence that authorities have failed to stem, with bloodshed at its worst since 2008 amid worries of a return to the all-out sectarian war that blighted Iraq years ago
The latest violence comes just weeks after massive assaults, claimed by Al-Qaeda's front group in Iraq, on prisons near Baghdad that freed hundreds of militants, with analysts warning of a resulting spike in unrest
In the name of Allah
No Zion=No war
No Zion=No murder
No Zion=No Terrorist
No Zion=No Freemason
No Zion= No injustice
No Zion=No disrespect to human rights
No Zion=No Brutality
No Zion=No Obama
No Zion=No Queen of England
No Zion= No Kingdom
No Zion=No lie
No Zion=No Racism
No Zion=No Salafism
No Zion=No Wahabism
No Zion=No Bahaism
No Zion=No Alqaedeh
No Zion=No more Hollywood lies
No Zion=No BBC
No Zion=Free Palestine
No Zion=Free Syria
No Zion=Free Iraq
No Zion= Free Bahrain
No Zion=Free Afghanistan
No Zion=Peaceful Egypt
No Zion=Peaceful Myanmar
No Zion=Peaceful Pakistan
No Zion=Peaceful and beautiful world
Let’s remove this Cancer tumor
" We will come tomorrow to shout the Innocence of Palestinian and we won’t stop shouting: "free free Palestine
Until they get their country and their freedom back
In the name of Allah
?Why is it your turn again my lady
Ya Sayedati
Zeynab (S) is the daughter of Imam Ali (AS) and hadrat Fatimeh (s).We know who is Fatimeh (S),she is the daughter of prophet Mohammad (SWA),so Zeynab (S) is the granddaughter of prophet Mohammad, the messenger of peace and kindness and the last messenger of Allah. On the other hand Ali (AS) is the first Imam of shia and he was chosen by Allah, and hadrat Mohammad enounced his Imamat and leadership in his last trip to Mecca and we call that day Qadir Eyd . Also hadrat Zeynab (s) is Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein’s sister. She is so important to Shia and Muslims, actually those Muslims who truly respects hadrat Mohammad (SWA) and his family (hadrat Fatimeh,Imam Ali,Imam Hassan,Imam Hussein and their children)
For so many reasons such as honesty, Justice, Courage, and trying to revival the real Islam and hadrat Mohammad’s way and manners our Imams were killed and murdered, and Imam Hussein (AS) is one of our Imams who has been killed in a very unfair war, actually he was travelling from Mecca to Kufe with his family and they were going there just because Kufe people wanted them to go, they wrote so many letters and invited Imam Hussein to Kufe, they wrote him that they want him and his leadership and his Justice and they were sorry about their past behaviors, because of their letters and their insisting Imam Hussein has accepted to go
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
فردا سه شنبه ساعت 6 بعد از ظهر اجتماع مدافعان حرم در میدان امام حسین (ع) برگزار می شود. غیرت کنیم و باشیم و عمه سادات را تنها نگذاریم تا در قیامت روی دیدن عباسش را داشته باشیم......
این گوی و این میدان...دیگر نگوییم کاش در کربلا بودیم..... امتحان الهی دوباره تکرار شده...
امان از دل زینب(س)
کلنا عباسک یا زینب
حسین جان/ ما بی خیال مرقد زینب نمی شویم... روی تمام سینه زنان ات حساب کن
لطفا اطلاع رسانی کنید
از پدرم اسمش و...
از پدرم اسمشو یاد گرفتم
وقتی چشام به روی دنیا وا شد
هنوز تو قنداقه بودم,یا علی
گفت و منو بفل گرفت و پا شد
تو عالم بچگی و سادگی
وقتی غمی دنیامو تاریک می کرد
پدر می گف یا علی و پا می شد
منو به آسمونا نزدیک می کرد
زمزمه ی یا علی و یا علی
از رگ مادر توی خونم می ریخت
شبای تشنه وقتی شیرم می داد
طعم علی روی زبونم می ریخت
علی کلید خونه خدا بود
قفل دل شکسته رو وا می کرد
علی مث فرشته های معصوم
با گریه دنیا رو تماشا می کرد
ماه شبای مشق بچگی هام
عکس علی بود که تو چشمه می ریخت
وقتی علی رو می نوشتم رو خط
نام علی برام کرشمه می ریخت
بچگیام عمریه رفته از یاد
با این که از غصه دارم تا می شم
دخترمو وقتی بغل می کنم
بازم می گم یا علی و پا میشم
عبدالجبار کاکایی
The commander of faithful, the father of eloquence, the caretaker of the orphans, the shelter of the needy and the perfect of all humans after Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Born in the House of Allah, Holy Kaaba, and martryed in the House of Allah, Masjid-e-Kufa. He died on the 21st day of Ramadan 40 A.H. and buried in Najaf al-Ashraf (Iraq
In the name of Allah
!!It’s a boy
Prince William and Kate Middleton have had a baby boy!!!! This is the title of today’s news. Is this really our biggest problem? Why should something like this be important to us? We are living in a world full of hate, murder, war and inequality and this kind of people are actually the cause of these terrible things. So why are they trying to make it like a happy moment for everyone? Enough is enough, they are not making the world a better place to live they are just making it worse. They just spend money to start wars all around the world and with these cute little stories they just want to distract us from their crimes. Their crimes in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, Myanmar, they are supporting terrorists with their money (actually poor British people monies) and with their Weapons. Now, should we care whether their baby is a boy or is a girl? With the royal family’s supports, many babies are dying in wars every day. Is their baby the only important baby in the world, just because they have power and money? I don’t think so. Allah sobhan created us equally .All humans are important and they should have peace and security. They support Zionists and terrorist and all the murders in every possible way but they keep that bloody smile on their faces like nothing has happened. We should wake up, and take back our rights, they are not the worlds owners. it’s getting late… I’m specially talking to you British people
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